If you’re in that time of the month and it just makes you want to sleep all day or curl up in bed because of your menstrual pain, then you’re probably tempted to pop painkillers just so you can proceed to do your daily activities without wanting to drag your feet again. The common medications prescribed for…

Dry, greasy, dull…none of us is happy with our hair! Just as girls are usually hypercritical in front of the mirror, they are while checking their very own split ends as well. If you don’t have enough time and/or money to get to the hair salon every month but you don’t want to give up…

Have you ever woken up one morning and realized your lifestyle was really not healthy enough? For me it was actually one cold evening way before I started my present lifestyle; I looked in the mirror and all I saw was a girl clearly too young to be stressed out, tired eyes, skin not exactly glowing.…

Acnes are just the ugliest thing ever. Take it from me. I’ve seen my beloved sister’s daily fight with dark spots and oily mug all through her teenage. And these god-awful blemishes accompanied her and well onto her college. That’s when I grew the massive amount of hate for acne. Sometimes, it doesn’t even matter…

You have that party to attend to, or a day out with the girls, and you notice your face has expanded at least 1 cm from the sides or worse, your stomach is bulging out.  Nobody likes to feel bloated. Unfortunately, many of us women face it at some of the most inopportune of times.…