Yes, there is a female viagra. And yes, even though it took researchers some time, it has been backed up by the FDA advisers, but with the condition that the company manages the risks.
Have you ever wondered why there’s a male Viagra, but none for women? There should be some gender equality here because I’m certain that whatever are the males feeling, the females are definitely feeling it too.
It has been 17 years since the male Viagra was released and it’s about time that the female viagra aka happy pill is dispersed for use. So why aren’t the FDA fully giving the green light on Sprout Pharmaceuticals to dispense the female viagra? Here’s everything you need to know:
Flibanserin, the Female Viagra
There are two reasons why they aren’t they sending this happy pill out to the female community. One is their concern about the modest results of the trials. And the second issue is the side effects of taking the drug.
The issue about the results was that there was a lack of effectiveness of the pill during it’s trials. The results of the studies involving flibanserin showed very modest results.
Women who took the pill said that they had between 0.5 and 1 sexually satisfying encounter a month. They also reported having higher sexual desires when on the drug. And even though these are the results, most of the advisers in the FDA say that sometimes, modest results are the best results that you can get.
Low blood pressure as a consequence
Aside from having just modest results, the side effects of the female viagra is also an issue. Its side effects, including fatigue, low blood pressure and fainting, are problems that the FDA are really concerned about.
There is also a concern about taking flibanserin with other medications and with alcohol because the side effects were increased.
Anti-depressant no more
Flibanserin started out to be an anti-depressant and when a side effect of the clinical trials showed high sexual desire, the manufacturers decided to take it to a different level.
Here is a short version of everything that you need to know about flibanserin in less than two minutes:
And here is another video about one woman’s experience whilst on the drug:
What do you think about the female viagra, flibanserin? Do you think that it should get approved and dispensed to the public? Or do you think that it needs more positive results?
This doesn’t sound safe at all. If you’re not experiencing pleasure, then there’s something wrong with how your partner is doing it.
I don’t think I’d try this. It would probably infuriate my partner because it would seem like I’m not enjoying whatever it is that we’re doing, just because I’m relying on drugs that would heighten feelings of arousal.
Instead of female viagra, I would really appreciate it if companies invent male contraceptives instead.
Oooh I like that idea. Plus one on this!
Not a fan of this, if this really exists. LOL.
Sadly, your video isn’t available anymore.☹️
If scientists think that it’s not effective, it’s not worth trying either. I would rather that they spend their time making cures rather than viagra.
I’m slightly disappointed that the features of this product is just for antidepressants and stuff. I think females deserve more than that.
I agree. Like vitamins too or birth control?